(c) inesmusicpics (Hamburg 2016)
Concert in Hamburg (26th May 2016):
The gig in Hamburg was very good, but very different due to the "new" singer. Axl Rose did a very good job especially on the Bon Scott-Songs, because he has been a fan of Bon for a long time. You could see that he loved to sing those songs and the band changed the setlist and played more Bon-songs. We enjoyed the whole concert and were glad that we went.
ran around like a young guy but did not put down his pants and kept his
shirt on. He played his guitar with his tie. Axl ran around on stage
the whole concert and sang - as said - very good. Cliff (b) and Chris
(d) layed down a very hard and excelent sound. Stevie assisted Angus on
rhythm guitar and sang background vocals. Cliff sang background too. With Axl in the band they had to do more background vocals then usual.
We were a little late so we could not get to the FOS-section. So the pictures are not as good as I hoped, but they show the emotions etc.
Rock or Bust / Shoot to Thrill / Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be / Back
in Black / Got Some Rock & Roll Thunder / Dirty Deeds Done Dirt
Cheap / Rock'n'Roll Damnation / Thunderstruck / High Voltage /
Rock'n'Roll Train / Hells Bells / Given the Dog a Bone / If You Want
Blood (You've Got It) / Sin City / You Shook Me All Night Long / Shot
Down in Flames / Have a Drink on Me / T.N.T. / Whole Lotta Rosie / Let
There Be Rock // Highway to Hell / Riff Raff / For Those About to Rock
(We Salute You)
My reasonable pictures can be found here. Just click on the picture above to get to the album:
Einfach aufs obige Foto clicken, dann gelangt ihr bei Interesse zu dem Album meiner Fotos vom Gig in Hamburg.