Tuesday 12 September 2017

UPDATE: Chris Thompson on Tour 2017 (Norway, Germany)

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Chris Thompsons´ Website: Homepage

As a songwriter, his greatest success was contributing to John Farnham's single "You're the Voice" which reached Top 10 positions in many countries across the world.
Thompson has also been involved with the SAS band (Spike's All Star Band) where he has performed numerous songs, especially the one done by Thompson with Manfred Mann's Earth Band, "Blinded By the Light".

02/11/17 64625 Bensheim Güterhalle Germany
03/11/17 95233 Helmbrechts Brügersaal Germany
04/11/17 74078 Heilbronn Red Blue Germany
19/12/17 München Closed to public Germany
20/12/17 Gaggenau Closed to public Germany
21/12/17 63739 Aschaffenburg Colos-Saal Germany
10/03/18 Germany Closed to public Germany
22/03/18 76646 Bruchsal Fabrik Germany
23/03/18 53721 Siegburg Kubana Germany
24/03/18 95233 Helmbrechts Brügersaal Germany
09/05/18 66904 Brücken Musikwochen 2018 Germany
11/05/18 21244 Buchholz Empore Buchholz Germany
12/05/18 24582 Bordesholm Albatros Germany