Thursday 29 November 2012

Rufus Wainwright in Hamburg 2012 - Konzertkritik

30.11.12, 02:10

Früher war aber ganz eindeutig mehr Lametta

Unspektakulär gut: Rufus Wainwright in der Laeiszhalle
Hamburg. Kein exaltiertes Puschelschwenken, leider. Niemand hüpfte eingeölt aus einer Marzipan-Nuss-Torte. Keine glamourösen Abendkleider für den Hauptdarsteller und auch die Oberkörper blieben bedeckt.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Konzertkritiken - Die Toten Hosen in Hamburg 2012


Die Toten Hosen

"Bitte bleiben Sie ruhig und flippen Sie aus"

Die Toten Hosen spielten in der ausverkauften O2 World. Ein handelsübliches Konzert der Toten Hosen bietet noch immer feinste Unterhaltung.
Foto: dapd
Campino und die Toten Hosen spielten am Dienstag und Mittwoch in der seit Monaten ausverkauften O2 World


Monday 26 November 2012

Some pictures: The Rolling Stones in London, 25th November 2012

Please click on the link below to get to my Album:
The Rolling Stones in London, 25th November 2012, ein Album auf Flickr.

Here are some pictures that I took at the Rolling Stones gig in London (25th Nov. 2012). Please click on the pics above to get to the album.

Had a wonderful time and met some friends. It was my only chance to see Bill Wyman with his former band.

Will post more pictures later.

Rolling Stones at the O2 Arena, London - 25 November 2012

Various concert reviews:

Set list
I Wanna Be Your Man
It's All Over Now
Get Off of My Cloud
Paint It Black

Gimme Shelter
(with Mary J. Blige)

Wild Horses
All Down the Line

Going Down
(with Jeff Beck)

Out of Control
One More Shot

Doom and Gloom

It's Only Rock 'N' Roll
(with Bill Wyman)

Honky Tonk Woman (with Bill Wyman) 
Before They Make Me Run

Miss You

Midnight Rambler
(with Mick Taylor)

Start Me Up
Tumbling Dice

Brown Sugar

Sympathy for the Devil


You Can't Always Get What You Want (with the London Youth Choir)
Jumpin' Jack Flash


By Patrick Doyle
November 27, 2012 12:35 PM ET

From the comparatively stripped-down stage to Jeff Beck's cameo on "I'm Going Down," the Rolling Stones' first major show in five years Sunday night at London's O2 arena was full of surprises. We've compiled five of the biggest and are expecting plenty more at their remaining dates. Will Eric Clapton show up during their second night in London on Thursday? Jimmy Page? In New York, will Paul McCartney sing "I Wanna Be Your Man" with the band? We'll have to wait and see.

1. Opening with "I Wanna Be Your Man"
The first song is arguably the most important moment of a Stones show, from the stripped-down "Not Fade Away" to kick off the Voodoo Lounge shows to the dramatic meteor explosion during "Satisfaction" on the Bridges to Babylon tour. This time, the band surprised fans with "I Wanna Be Your Man," which John Lennon and McCartney wrote for the Stones when they needed a hit in late 1963. "John and Paul flogged us a song which we've never played onstage before," Keith Richards told the BBC recently. "You realize this is a new song to me. You get into it and everybody's playing and you're going, 'This is amazing.' This could be almost a new song!" One prediction: With all the guests popping up at these shows, it's not far off to imagine McCartney joining the band for this song – perhaps at the December 15th Newark gig, to be broadcast on Pay Per View?

2. Keith Richards' playing
Fans have been considerably worried about Richards' playing since several erratic performances after he fell out of a tree in Fiji in 2007. And he's admitted he didn't spend the years following the Bigger Bang tour playing guitar. "I don't practice as much as I should, probably," he said recently. "But now that we're putting the act together again, I'm getting the chops back together." There were a few hiccups, including Richards flubbing the intro of "Honky Tonk Women," but fans agree his playing was better than it has been in years. Said "citadel" on fan forum It's Only Rock and Roll, "At the start he seemed almost nervous . . . Not moving much, playing the rhythm . . . Somewhere in the middle it was as if the old confidence, posing, playing all came back. Suddenly some great riffs, licks, solos, moving, posing, even running around." Added "rockenrohl," "Best Keef I've seen in more than a decade. He really got his shit together."

3. The length of the show
Even though the band cut two songs that had been in the night's set list ("Lady Jane" and "Satisfaction"winking smiley, their 23-song set was one of the longest shows in their history, clocking in at over two and a half hours. Not too bad for a band whose drummer is 71 years old. "I think the band wants to give the fans their money's worth," keyboardist Chuck Leavell told Rolling Stone during rehearsals. "There's no secret what the ticket prices are, so I think we want to make sure that we deliver."

4. "Midnight Rambler" with Mick Taylor
Fans have missed Taylor's epically proficient playing since he walked in 1974, and his return has been Number One on every hardcore fan's wish list for decades (he did play with the band onstage in Kansas City in 1981). He returned full force during "Midnight Rambler." According to everyone who was there, the guitarist hasn't lost any chemistry with his old bandmates. Said "Silver Dagger" on the Stones forum IORR, "It was brilliant though and Mick was a bit sluggish at first, but then really up[ped] the pace. Grown men wept. It was almost like being transported back to the US tour in '72. Almost."

5. Bill Wyman still rocks
Whenever the Stones swing through London, fans always wonder whether Bill Wyman – who left the band in 1992 – will make a surprise cameo. Last night, it finally happened. While the Stones had announced Wyman would be joining the band before the London show, the image of seeing the 76-year-old original member back with his old friends wasn't any less moving. Wyman looked right at home, cracking a grin as he laid down a rock-solid groove on "It's Only Rock and Roll" with Charlie Watts while Keith and Ronnie wailed away on Chuck Berry-style licks, and sticking around for "Honky Tonk Women."

It's also surprising Wyman didn't play on more songs. Surely current bassist Darryl Jones would have understood taking a backseat to let Wyman play the entire show to celebrate their 50th anniversary, but it's likely the band didn't want to disrespect Jones, who's played with the band since 1994. "Darryl doesn't get enough recognition," Richards told Rolling Stone in October. "He and Bill can talk about songs they want to step in and out of." Here's hoping Wyman gets more songs on Tuesday.

(this article is on

(I had a wonderful time at the concert. Met some very nice fans from all around the world and some familiar faces. I was so happy to see Bill Wyman up there with the Rolling Stones. It was a dream come true. Will post pictures later)

(c) inesmusicpics

Saturday 24 November 2012

Larry Hagman ist tot


(kann mit sozialen Netzwerken geteilt werden)

Er spielte in "Dallas" den Bösewicht J.R. Ewing, in "Bezaubernde Jeannie" Major Anthony Nelson: Larry Hagman kam als Serienschauspieler zu großem Ruhm. Nun ist der Texaner gestorben. Er wurde 81 Jahre alt.Dallas - Schauspieler Larry Hagman, vor allem durch seine Rollen in "Dallas" oder "Bezaubernde Jeannie" bekannt, ist im Alter von 81 Jahren einem Krebsleiden erlegen. Das teilte seine Familie mit. Hagman sei am Freitag in einem Krankenhaus in Dallas gestorben, berichtete die Zeitung "Dallas Morning News". Hagman sei bei seinem Tod im Kreis seiner Nächsten gewesen, hieß es in der Erklärung der Familie. Er sei so friedlich gestorben wie er sich das gewünscht habe.
In den sechziger bis achtziger Jahren war Hagman eines der bekanntesten Gesichter im Fernsehen. In "Bezaubernde Jeannie" übernahm er die Rolle des Astronauten Anthony Nelson, der in einer Flasche einen Geist - gespielt von Barbara Eden - findet.

Als Ölbaron J.R. Ewing in "Dallas" verkörperte er einen der großen Bösewichte der TV-Geschichte. 357 Folgen lang war er eine zentrale Figur in der Geschichte einer fiktiven Öldynastie aus Texas, die in Familienstreitigkeiten, Intrigen und Gewalt verstrickt ist. "Ich kann mich an die Hälfte der Leute, mit denen ich geschlafen, die ich verraten oder in den Selbstmord getrieben habe, nicht erinnern", sagte Hagman einmal über seine Rolle.

Linda Gray, die in "Dallas" Hagmans Frau Sue Ellen spielte, teilte mit: "Larry Hagman war 35 Jahre lang mein bester Freund. Er war kreativ, lustig, liebevoll und begabt, und ich werde ich unglaublich vermissen."

Hagman wurde am 21. September 1931 in Fort Worth in Texas als Sohn der Schauspielerin Mary Martin und des Rechtsanwalts Benjamin Hagman geboren. Fünf Jahre lang war Hagman in London als Soldat der Luftwaffe stationiert. Anfang der fünfziger Jahre spielte an der Seite seiner Mutter Mary Martin im Broadway-Musical "South Pacific". Und in London traf er auch seine Ehefrau: Er verliebte sich in die schwedische Modezeichnerin Maj Axelsson. Das Paar heiratete 1954. 1958 kam Tochter Kristina Mary Heidi zur Welt, Sohn Preston folgte 1962.

Exzentrischer Lebemann

1956 in die USA zurückgekehrt, arbeitete Hagman einige Jahre am New Yorker Broadway, übernahm aber auch Engagements in Fernsehserien. Sein Durchbruch in Hollywood kam in den sechziger Jahren durch "Bezaubernde Jeannie". Weltweite Bekanntheit erlangte er ab 1978 mit "Dallas".

Hagman war als J.R. an einer der berühmtesten Serienfolgen der TV-Geschichte beteiligt. Am Ende der zweiten "Dallas"-Staffel wurde auf ihn geschossen - und TV-Zuschauer durften dank dieses Cliffhangers Monate warten, um zu erfahren, ob der Fiesling überleben würde. Hagman sagte später, ein Verlag habe ihm 250.000 Dollar angeboten, wenn er verrate, welche Serienfigur geschossen habe. Er habe überlegt, zu lügen und das Geld trotzdem zu nehmen, sagte Hagman. Aber am Ende "habe ich entschieden, im echten Leben nicht so wie J.R. zu sein".

Nach dem Ende der Serie spielte Hagman den Ölbaron noch vier Mal in Fernsehfilmen: 1996 in "J.R. kehrt zurück", 1998 in "Kampf bis aufs Messer", 2000 in "Doing Dallas" und 2011 in "Dallas". 2012 wurde die Serie sogar fortgesetzt. Im Mittelpunkt standen dieses Mal allerdings die Söhne des Ewing-Clans.
In den vergangenen Jahren war Hagman unter anderem auch in "Desperate Housewives" zu sehen. Er mimte Frank Kaminsky, den unausstehlichen Stiefvater von Lynette (Felicity Huffman). In Werbespots für einen Hersteller von Solaranlagen nahm Hagman zudem sein früheres Alter Ego aus "Dallas" und die Ölwirtschaft auf die Schippe. Hagman spielte auch in Kinofilmen mit - 1998 als Gouverneur in Mike Nichols' Clinton-Satire "Primary Colors - Mit aller Macht" und 1995 als Ölmulti in "Nixon" von Oliver Stone.

Hagman war über Jahrzehnte ein starker Trinker. 1995 wurde bei ihm Leberkrebs diagnostiziert. Hagman hörte auf zu rauchen und zu trinken; einen Monat später unterzog er sich einer Lebentransplantation. Das habe seine Lebensfreude nicht beeinträchtigt. "Es ist der gleiche alte Larry Hagman", sagte er. "Er ist einfach ein wenig nüchterner."

Hagman galt als exzentrisch. Als er die Schauspielerin Lauren Bacall zum ersten Mal traf, leckte er ihr über den Arm, weil ihm gesagt worden war, sie wolle nicht berührt werden. Hagman war zudem bekannt dafür, Polonaisen am Strand von Malibu anzuführen und im Supermarkt in einem Gorilla-Kostüm aufzutauchen. An seinem Haus in Malibu wehte eine Flagge mit der Aufschrift "Das Leben ist ein Fest".


Inside the Grr-Shop on Carnaby Street London 2012

(Please click on the picture to get to the album)

Carnaby Street - Rock ´n Roll Christmas 2012

(Please click on the picture to get to the album)

Friday 23 November 2012

Georgie Fame Tour 2012

Bill Wyman´s Rhythm Kings in Zürich, Neues Theater Spirgarten, 15th Oct 2012 by inesmusicpics
Bill Wyman´s Rhythm Kings in Zürich, Neues Theater Spirgarten, 15th Oct 2012,

23 Nov 2012 The Castle, London, UK

24 Nov 2012 Sturmer Hall, Haverhill, UK

The legendary keyboardist/vocalist with his much loved blend of jazz and rhythm & blues. Georgie Fame has enjoyed a varied career for over 50 years, criss-crossing the musical boundaries of pop, rock'n'roll, jazz, rhythm & blues and swing.

See more info at

Wednesday 21 November 2012


25 & 29 November 2012 – The O2 Arena

The waiting is over – The Rolling Stones will kick off their ’50 and Counting’ live concerts this coming Sunday 25th November at The O2 Arena in London.
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood will hit the stage at 8PM, with a set list packed with hits, classics, and one or two surprises.
There is NO SUPPORT ACT for these concerts, The Stones will perform for over two hours and they want to deliver a stunning show to celebrate five decades treading the boards.
Ticketholders are asked to make their way to the venue in time for this early Stones onstage time of 8pm.

Click on the link below to read more:

Monday 19 November 2012

Sylvester Stallone in Hamburg zur Rocky Musical Premiere - 18.11.2012

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Rocky - Das Musical - Premiere in Hamburg am 18.11.2012, ein Album auf Flickr.

Sylvester Stallone in Hamburg zur Rocky Musical Premiere - 18.11.2012
Sylvester Stallone in Hamburg zur Rocky Musical Premiere - 18.11.2012
Hier ein paar Kritiken zur Premiere:

- Sylvester Stallone haut Hamburgs Promis um
- Wie Rocky k.o. ging
- Jetzt schlägt er wieder unschuldige Rinder
- Sylvester Stallone und die Klischkos – "Rocky"-Musical feiert Weltpremiere

Eric Clapton Announces Major U.S. Tour Culminating In 2013 Crossroads Guitar Festival Presented By Chase

Just in from: Where's Eric?
Published: 19 November 2012


Two-Night Festival To Feature Legendary Music And Collaborations Including: Allman Brothers Band, BB King, Brad Paisley, Eric Clapton, Gary Clark Jr., Jeff Beck John Mayer, Keith Urban, Vince Gill and many more
(November 19, 2012)

Widely considered one of the world’s all time greatest guitarists and known amongst his peers as a great collaborator, Eric Clapton announced today a major U.S. tour culminating in his fourth Crossroads Guitar Festival presented by Chase. The Festival, which has become legendary in its own right for hosting performances and impromptu collaborations from the world’s most legendary guitar players, will take place April 12-13 for the first time at New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden. See full listing below of artists performing.

Clapton and his band will visit more than a dozen cities across the U.S. beginning March 14, 2013 (see itinerary below). The tour will end with the two-night Festival where Clapton will gather the past, present and future of guitar music onto one stage for an unparalleled musical event. All profits from the Festival will benefit The Crossroads Centre in Antigua, a treatment and education facility founded by Clapton for chemically dependent persons. The Festival is presented by Chase.

Since its inception, Clapton’s vision for the Crossroads Guitar Festival has been to create an event where his friends and contemporaries can have fun and perform together for the benefit of a good cause. This year’s Festival will feature two-nights of musical performances with once-in-a-lifetime guitar collaborations. Known as pioneers in their field, the roster of artists spans old and new. The audience can expect unrivaled entertainment, brilliant guitar work, surprise guests and impromptu jams that are the hallmark of these performers.

The first Crossroads Guitar Festival, in June 2004 at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, was an unprecedented collection of guitar icons from blues, rock and contemporary music. The sold-out show was chronicled in a 2-disc DVD that has since gone on to become one of the world’s top-selling music DVD’s. The Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 and 2010 were the second and third such concerts by Clapton and were staged at Toyota Park in Chicago. Both Festival were filmed for DVDs and met similar acclaim and achieved multi-platinum status. This will be the Festival’s first-ever visit to New York and Madison Square Garden.

“The Crossroads Festival is the realization of a dream for me, to gather a group of amazingly talented musicians to perform on one stage,” said Clapton. “The Crossroads performers are all musicians I admire and respect.”

In addition to the concerts, the “Guitar Center Road to Crossroads Exhibition” will be featured on the Terrace level @ Madison Square Garden and will excite fans with an incredible guitar-centric celebration of past Crossroads Guitar Festivals. This exhibition will feature the “Legends Guitar Walk”, with some of the most valuable guitars in the history of Rock and Blues, including historic guitars from Guitar Center’s Legends Collection featuring Eric Clapton’s two most famous Fender Stratocasters®, BLACKIE® and ‘Brownie,’ Gibson ES-335 as well as Stevie Ray Vaughan’s ‘Lenny’ Fender Stratocaster®, plus selections from Guitar Center, The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Experience Music Project.

Additionally, Fender, Gibson, Ernie Ball and Martin will host interactive exhibits where guitar lovers can plug in and play new products and classic favorites, while all visitors will be able to peruse memorabilia and watch archival footage of once-in-a-lifetime performances from prior Crossroads festivals on video walls throughout the exhibition. The “Road to Crossroads Exhibition” will open at 6:30 p.m. on Friday and 6:00 p.m. Saturday, and is free to all ticket holders.

Tickets for the Crossroads Guitar Festival Presented By Chase will be offered as an advance sale to Chase customers beginning Monday, November 26 at 12pm EST via through Thursday, November 29 at 10pm.
General Public On-Sale will begin Friday, November 30 at 12pm EST.
Tickets for the Clapton 2013 U.S. Tour will go on-sale beginning November 30, 2012. Please check local venue listings for more detailed information.
For more information go to or

(Note: Two Different Nights of Music. Not All Artists Will Perform Both Nights)
Albert Lee
Allan Holdsworth
Allman Brothers Band
Andy Fairweather Low
BB King
Blake Mills
Booker T
Brad Paisley
Buddy Guy
Citizen Cope
Dave Biller
Doyle Bramhall II
Earl Klugh
Eric Clapton
Gary Clark Jr.
Jeff Beck
Jimmie Vaughan
John Mayer
John Scofield
Jonny Lang
Keb Mo
Keith Urban
Kurt Rosenwinkle
Los Lobos
Quinn Sullivan
Robbie Robertson
Robert Cray
Robert Randolph
Sonny Landreth
Taj Mahal
Vince Gill

Clapton has assembled an impressive band for the 2013 U.S. dates which will consist of long-time touring partners:
Doyle Bramhall II (guitar), Steve Jordan (drums), Chris Stainton (piano and keyboards), and Willie Weeks (bass), along with newcomers Paul Carrack (organ and keyboards) and Greg Leisz (pedal steel guitar). Michelle John and Sharon White will join the touring band again as backing vocalists.

The tour will also feature special guests, The Wallflowers. Please check local listings for ticketing information.

Thursday, March 14 Phoenix, AZ U.S. Airways Center
Saturday, March 16 Houston, TX Toyota Center
Sunday, March 17 Austin, TX Frank Erwin Center
Tuesday, March 19 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
Wednesday, March 20 Oklahoma City, OK Chesapeake Energy Arena
Friday, March 22 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena
Saturday, March 23 New Orleans, LA New Orleans Arena
Tuesday, March 26 Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
Wednesday, March 27 Atlanta, GA Gwinnett Arena
Friday, March 29 Hollywood, FL Seminole Hard Rock Live
Saturday, March 30 Hollywood, FL Seminole Hard Rock Live
Tuesday, April 2 Charlotte, NC Time Warner Cable Arena
Wednesday, April 3 Raleigh, NC PNC Arena
Friday, April 5 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Arena
Saturday, April 6 Pittsburgh, PA Consol Energy Center
Friday, April 12 New York, NY Madison Square Garden
Saturday, April 13 New York, NY Madison Square Garden

Friday 16 November 2012

Slim Chance - December Gig (UK)


SLIM CHANCE, the band Ronnie Lane formed when he left the Faces, is treading the boards again. Original members Steve Simpson, Charlie Hart, Steve Bingham, Alun Davies and Colin Davey, joined by Geraint Watkins, are playing Ronnie’s songs in the spirit of the band’s previous incarnations.
December 7th
The Touchline, Hullbridge Sports Club
Lower Rd, Hullbridge, Essex SS5 6BJ

Elio Pace - Breaking News November 2012


At the invitation of the hugely popular Swedish band Shake, Elio travels to Sweden today to perform live as their special guest tonight,

Friday 16 November in Bollnäs and tomorrow night,
Saturday 17 November in Sundsvall.
Elio's relationship with the band was forged earlier this year when Shake recorded a version of Elio's song 'Oh So Tight' for their album 'Quartet' which entered the Swedish album charts at No.10. Shake's version of 'Oh So Tight' went on to reach Gold record sales as part of a 2CD Rock And Roll/Rockabilly compilation album called 'Cruising Klassiker' released by EMI Sweden and which also featured tracks by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Fats Domino.

We are also very pleased to announce that Elio will be producing Shake's lead singer and piano-player, Johan Sjödin's, new solo album next year. Expected to be recorded in both the UK and in Sweden, Elio will also be writing the musical arrangements, contributing to the writing of new material as well as duelling with Johan on piano on a track or two!

Here is what Johan has to say about the project: "[Elio's album] 'A Seat At My Table' is the record I always wanted to make! The perfect mix of groovy boogie-piano, perfect vocals, beautiful harmonies and brilliant song material. I am very excited to have Elio arranging and producing my new album and I know that working with him is going to be great fun."
Click here to listen to Shake's version of 'Oh So Tight' or for more information, please visit Shake's website. Click here to listen to Elio's original version of 'Oh So Tight' taken from his album 'A Seat At My Table'

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Auto abgeschleppt, Konto leergefegt, Mädchen fort - Konzertkritik Chris Farlowe u. Norman Beaker Band

Der Blues ist noch immer mächtig am Kochen: Chris Farlowe und die Norman Beaker Band in der Kofferfabrik - 14.11.2012 10:15 Uhr

FÜRTH - Begegnung mit einer Blues-Legende: Chris „The Voice“ Farlowe gab sich die Ehre in der Kofferfabrik.

Er kann’s noch immer, wenngleich ihn die Jahre ein wenig leiser gemacht haben: Chris Farlowe (re.) beim denkwürdigen Fürther Auftritt am Montagabend.
Herausragende Schallplatten prägen sich schon beim ersten Hören ein. Aber die Begegnung mit „Colosseum Live“ war eine der Extraklasse. Erwartungsvoll setzten wir die Nadel in die Rille — und flogen im nächsten Moment an die Wand. Ein Urschrei explodierte aus den Boxen. Kam das tatsächlich aus einer menschlichen Kehle? Hatte sich jemand auf Omas Nadelkissen gesetzt? Oder glühende Kohlen in den Hosenladen geschaufelt? Es war Chris Farlowe in Höchstform.

Der komplette Artikel kann nur über die direkte Zeitung gelesen werden.

Status Quo Original Line-up on Tour 2013

We are delighted to announce that Francis Rossi, Rick Parfitt, Alan Lancaster
and John Coghlan, the original band line-up, are reforming for a one-off, never to be
repeated series of UK dates in March 2013.

Status Quo manager Simon Porter said, “People have wanted this announcement to
be made for years, and here it is. This is a real moment in the chequered history of
Status Quo and it comes after almost 30 years of acrimony, and 10 years of law suits
and court battles. Just 2 years ago the thought of the Frantic Four performing again
was unthinkable. Now, 50 years on from when Francis and Alan first performed together
as schoolboys, it is fitting that everything has come full circle for these unique one-off

More details, including the likely contents of the set, will be announced by the band
themselves at the Classic Rock Awards on 13th November 2012.

10th March 2013    Glasgow O2 Academy

12th March 2013    Manchester O2 Apollo

13th March 2013    Wolverhampton Civic

15th March 2013    London, Hammersmith Apollo

16 th March 2013   London, Hammersmith Apollo

The Quo web site pre-sale has now sold out.

02 and Live Nation have pre-sales starting
Tickets will go on general sale from Friday 9am.

more informations:

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Aynsley Lister Tourdates 2012/2013

for more information about Aynsley:

Johnny Winter & Band 2012/13

Tue 11/13/12
Aschaffenburg, GermanyColos-Saal

Wed 11/14/12 Basel, SwitzerlandGrand Casino

Fri 11/16/12 Florange, FranceLa Passerelle

Sat 11/17/12 Annemasse, FranceChateau Rouge

Sun 11/18/12 Ris-Orangis, FranceLe Plan

Mon 11/19/12 Guyancourt, FranceLa Batterie

Tue 11/20/12 Clermont Ferrand, FranceLa Cooperative de Mai

Wed 11/21/12 Cenon, FranceLe Rocher De Palmer

Thu 11/22/12 Queven, FranceLes Arc

Fri 11/23/12 Landerneau, FranceLe Family

Sat 01/05/13 Fall River, MANarrows Center For The Arts

Tue 01/08/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club

Sat 01/12/13 Plymouth, NHThe Flying Monkey Movie House & Performance Center

Tue 01/15/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club

Tue 01/22/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club

Fri 01/25/13 Harrisburg, PAWhitaker Center

Sat 01/26/13 Phoenixville, PAColonial Theatre

Mon 01/28/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club

Fri 01/04/13 Norfolk, CTInfinity Hall
Sat 01/05/13 Fall River, MANarrows Center For The Arts
Tue 01/08/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club
Fri 01/11/13 New Haven, CTToad's Place
Sat 01/12/13 Plymouth, NHThe Flying Monkey Movie House & Performance Center
Tue 01/15/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club
Tue 01/22/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club
Fri 01/25/13 Harrisburg, PAWhitaker Center
Sat 01/26/13 Phoenixville, PAColonial Theatre
Mon 01/28/13 New York, NYB.B. King Blues Club
Thu 01/31/13 Buffalo, NYThe Tralf Music Hall
Fri 02/01/13 Port Hope, ONCameco Capital Arts Centre
Sat 02/02/13 Oshawa, ONRegent Theatre
Sat 02/09/13 Ridgefield, CTRidgefield Playhouse
Fri 03/01/13 Annapolis, MDRams Head On Stage
Sat 03/02/13 Annapolis, MDRams Head On Stage
Sun 03/03/13 Frederick, MDWeinberg Center For The Arts
Tue 03/05/13 Chicago, ILCity Winery Chicago
Wed 03/06/13 Chicago, ILCity Winery Chicago
Thu 03/07/13 Auburn Hills, MICallahan's Music Hall
Fri 03/08/13 Pittsburgh, PARex Theater
Sat 03/09/13 New Hope, PANew Hope Winery
Fri 04/05/13 Fontaine, FranceLa Source
Sat 04/06/13 Brugieres, FranceLe Bascala
Sun 04/07/13 Paris, FranceOlympia
Tue 04/09/13
Munich, GermanyMuffathalle
Wed 04/10/13
Aschaffenburg, GermanyColos-Saal
Fri 04/12/13 Amsterdam, NetherlandsParadiso
Sun 04/14/13 London, United KingdomO2 Shepherds Bush Empire
Mon 04/15/13 Bilston, United KingdomThe Robin 2
Tue 04/16/13 Gateshead, United KingdomThe Sage Gateshead
Thu 04/18/13 Bath, United KingdomKomedia
Fri 04/19/13 Manchester, United KingdomRoyal Northern College Of Music
Sat 04/20/13 Holmfirth, United KingdomPicturedrome
Appearing at "Dalane Blues Festival"
Sat 05/25/13 Egersund, NorwayEgersundshallen

Johnny Winter & Band
Johnny Winter: Gitarre / Gesang
Vito Liuzzi: Drums/ Chor
Paul Nelson: Gitarre / Chor
Scott Spray: Bass


Konzertbericht aus Gelsenkirchen, Quelle WAZ:

Musiker-Legende Johnny Winter enttäuschte

13.11.2012 | 14:53 Uhr

Gelsenkirchen. Eines war schon bei der Anfahrt zum Musiktheater klar: Der zieht Leute. Konkret war der niemand anderes als Blues-Legende Johnny Winter, der Gelsenkirchen am Montag auf seiner „Roots-Tour“ besuchte. Die Erwartungen im ausverkauften Großen Haus waren riesig. „Johnny, Johnny“- Rufe waren schon beim Auftritt von Einheizer Thomas Blug laut zu hören.

Hölzern an der Gitarre

Als es um 21 Uhr losging, blieb der aufgestellte Thron für Winter vorerst leer. Die Musiker spielten sich ein paar Minuten warm. Dabei brannte Gitarrist Paul Nelson ein Feuerwerk all seiner Gitarrentricks ab, um für den Rest des Abends in den Hintergrund zu treten, als Johnny Winter unter lautem Beifall die Bühne betrat. Halb gebückt spielte er vor seinem Platz ein paar Akkorde im Stehen, um sich danach zu setzen und das Konzert mit dem Rock’n’Roll-Klassiker „Johnny B. Goode“ zu eröffnen.

Von seinem aktuellen Album „Roots“ präsentierte er u.a. die Bluesnummer „Got my Mojo Workin‘“ oder „Dust my Broom“. Gut klang die Band um den Altmeister beim langsamen Dreivierteltakt-Blues „Black Jack“. Daneben hielt das Set auch einige Rocknummern bereit. Allen voran „Jumpin‘ Jack Flash“ von den Rolling Stones, das leider in einer ermüdenden zehnminütigen Version daherkam.

Während des 90-minütigen Auftritts wirkte Winter bei den ersten Stücken nicht ganz frisch und etwas hölzern an der Gitarre. Gleich zum Auftakt vermasselte er zahlreiche Läufe. Dies legte sich nach einiger Zeit, jedoch blieben seine Soli oft eintönig und unsauber. Sein Kompagnon an der zweiten Gitarre spielte den Konzertabend für sich alleine. Sein Instrument war so schlecht abgemischt, dass kaum eine Note das Publikum im Saal hörbar erreichte. Schlagzeuger Vito Liuzzi hatte diese Probleme nicht. Kraftvoll und gut hörbar gab er den Takt vor und hielt die Band zusammen, wenn ihr Lead-Gitarrist mal wieder gegen jede Melodie oder Rhythmik spielte.

Sebastian Schmeink


Eine Blueslegende in Würzburg
Die Johnny Winter Band liefert ein beeindruckendes Konzert in der Würzburger Posthalle

Würzburg (music-on-net) Wohl niemand geht in ein Johnny Winter Konzert, um im Vorprogramm einen Saarbrücker Gitarristen zu erleben, der in der Fachwelt höchstes Ansehen genießt, aber ansonsten wohl weniger bekannt ist. Thomas Blug heißt der Gitarrenzauberer und er weiß sehr wohl um seinen Bekanntheitsgrad. Insofern ist es auch angemessen, dass er stolz von sich und den ihn beeindruckenden Begegnungen in der große Welt der Premium-Gitarristen erzählt und uns dazwischen seinen ganz speziellen Aperitif kredenzt. Er war unter anderem mit schon mit Tic Tac Toe, den von mir so hochgeschätzten Rainbirds und mit Stewart Copeland, dem Drummer von The Police, unterwegs gewesen.